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Published: Mon, 08/05/24

Updated: Mon, 08/05/24

Perfect Caprese Salad Recipe, Freeze Tomatoes Fast, Save 20% on Advanced Ceramic Knife and more!

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Quote Of The Day

"It’s difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato." – Lewis Grizzard

Subscriber Bonus - Scroll Down to See if You Won!

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~A Few Words From Susan~

I admit it.

I am a snob.

A tomato snob, that is.

I do not eat pink tomatoes - picking them out of salads, peeling them off burgers, and refusing them as garnishes in restaurants.  If a tomato is colorless and rigid, I'll pass.

I patiently wait until midsummer, when I can walk outside and pick a sun-warmed juicy tomato off the vine and indulge - and for about 6 weeks, I eat them every chance I get.  Out of hand with a little salt, in a classic BLT for lunch, splayed out on a plate for a Perfect Caprese Salad for dinner...raw, ripe, juicy tomatoes epitomize summer to me.

This week I share how I make a Caprese salad below, and share the fastest way I've found to save the harvest to enjoy all year long - no cooking required.

And, since one of the first products Cestari launched was a serrated ceramic tomato knife, it's only fitting that the coupon this week is for that knife.




Trivia Question❓

What popular American condiment is made primarily from tomatoes?

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

How to Freeze Tomatoes without Blanching

Tip of the Week

To encourage larger, healthier tomatoes, try planting basil nearby.

Basil repels pests that can harm tomatoes and also adds a delicious flavor to any tomato-based dish!

The Perfect Caprese Salad

Caprese Salad is having a moment - there are sophisticated recipes all over the Internet, with fancy sauces such as balsamic vinegar or pesto, and all types of ingredient additions and variations...peaches, watermelon, burrata...While these may all be excellent, when I am in the mood for a perfect Caprese Salad, I go back to basics.

This recipe will serve as a main dish for one, or a side for two.

You'll need a large heavy, ripe tomato - about 8 ounces.  I generally use beefsteak, as the plum tomato varieties are best for cooking. Slice the tomato thinly, and spread the slices out in a single layer on a dinner plate.  Sprinkle the slices with flaked salt and set aside.

Cut 2 ounces off a ball of fresh mozzarella.  You'll want the best you can find for this. I usually use a locally made mozzarella from The Mpzzarella House in Peabody, MA...but use whatever you can find.  Whole Foods carries Maplebrook Farms across the country.  Slice the cheese thinly , placing a slice on each piece of tomato.  You'll probably have to go back and make some of the cheese slices smaller in order to cover all the tomatoes.

Pinch off the top three inches of a stem of basil.  Discard any bloom, and the steam, and rip the basil into small pieces - Scatter these on top.  You know have the three colors of the Italian flag on your plate - red, white, and green.

Drizzle a tablespoon or so of Extra Virgin Olive Oil over the salad.  Serve with a slice or two of crusty bread to mop up the juices from the plate when you're done - that is the best part!


Special Offer for Newsletter Subscribers

Save 20% on Cestari's Tomato Knife. This 6 inch advanced ceramic serrated knife makes beautiful slices of tomatoes and cheese, and also cuts through crusty bread without crushing it. Save 20% with code CUTTOMATOES through August 13 at the Cestari store on Amazon

Reader's Tips for Tomatoes

Michael from Boston suggests, "For a richer flavor, roast your tomatoes with olive oil and garlic before adding them to your sauce."

Mary from Denver shares, "To keep your tomatoes fresh longer, store them stem-side down on the counter. This prevents air from entering and slows down spoilage."

David from Portland recommends, "Try adding a pinch of sugar to your tomato-based dishes to balance out the acidity and enhance the natural sweetness."

Linda from Atlanta notes, "Freeze whole tomatoes by placing them on a baking sheet until solid, then transfer to freezer bags. This prevents them from sticking together."

James from Dallas advises, "For a quick and easy way to peel tomatoes, score the skin with an 'X' and blanch them in boiling water for 30 seconds, then transfer to an ice bath."

The winner of this week's Free Cestari Product is Denise Butler. Please select your product from the Cestari Store on Amazon, and send us an email at support@cestarikitchen.com letting us know what you'd like, and where we should ship it.

💡 Answer to Trivia Question:



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