🥬🥬🥬 Lettuce Get Creative This Week 🥬🥬🥬

Published: Tue, 06/04/24

Updated: Tue, 06/04/24

Learn about how to use up lettuce, including a video recipe for lettuce soup, save 20% on a premium Cestari Ceramic Knife, and more!

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Quote Of The Day

"Life is too short for iceberg lettuce." - Emeril Lagasse

 🥬🥬🥬   🥬🥬🥬

~A Few Words From Susan~

Last Thursday, I got 3 heads of lettuce in my CSA share.  My "go to" use for lettuce is a steak salad, but 3 heads is a lot to consume in a week for one woman living alone!

I did some research, and found a lovely lettuce soup (that can be frozen) and compiled a list of other than basic salad recipes that can use lettuce.

My lettuce overwhelm turned into research for you - I hope you enjoy the tips in this newsletter.

I'm also including a 20% discount code for Cestari's ceramic knife.  The code is good on both the 6 inch and 8 inch sizes.

And remember to send in your kitchen tips - if we use it in the newsletter, you'll get a free product!



Trivia Question❓

Which popular salad green is low in calories and high in vitamin K?

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

Have You Ever Tried Lettuce Soup?

Tip of the Week

Pro tip for taking your lettuce game to the next level: Cut your lettuce with a ceramic knife instead of a metal one.

The sharper blade helps prevent browning and bruising, keeping your lettuce looking fresh and vibrant for longer.

Plus, it creates a cleaner cut that can enhance the texture and taste of your salads.

So next time you're prepping your greens, reach for a ceramic knife and watch your lettuce game soar to new heights.

10 Creative Ways to Use Lettuce

Lettuce is far more than just a base for salads. These creative ideas will help you explore the versatility of this leafy green.

1. Wraps and Rolls
Lettuce leaves, especially large ones like romaine or butterhead , make excellent low-carb alternatives to tortillas and wraps. Fill them with grilled chicken, fresh veggies, and a tangy sauce for a refreshing and healthy meal. Try making Asian-inspired lettuce wraps with ground meat, water chestnuts, and a soy-ginger sauce.

2. Lettuce Soup
Transform lettuce into a comforting bowl of soup. Sauté onions and garlic, add chopped lettuce, broth, and a splash of cream. Blend until smooth for a creamy, light soup that's perfect for a summer evening. You can serve it hot or chilled.

3. Smoothies and Juices
Add a handful of lettuce to your morning smoothie or juice for an extra dose of vitamins and minerals. Its mild flavor blends well with fruits like apples, pears, and berries, giving you a nutrient-packed beverage without overpowering the taste.

4. Grilled Lettuce
Grilling lettuce might sound unusual, but it adds a delightful smoky flavor. Brush halved romaine hearts with olive oil and grill them until lightly charred. Top with a sprinkle of Parmesan and a squeeze of lemon for a unique side dish.

5. Lettuce Pesto
Replace basil with lettuce in your pesto recipe. Blend lettuce with garlic, nuts, Parmesan, and olive oil for a vibrant green sauce that's perfect for pasta, sandwiches, or as a dip.

 6. Stir-Fries
Add chopped lettuce to your stir-fry in the last few minutes of cooking. It wilts down quickly and adds a nice crunch to dishes with chicken, beef, or tofu. Pair it with soy sauce, ginger, and garlic for a delicious combination.

7. Lettuce Chips
Make crispy lettuce chips by baking them in the oven. Tear lettuce leaves into pieces, toss with a bit of olive oil and salt, and bake at a low temperature until crispy. These make a healthy and addictive snack.

8. Layered Salads
Create a show-stopping layered salad for your next gathering. Layer lettuce with various colorful vegetables, beans, cheese, and proteins in a glass bowl. This not only looks stunning but also allows everyone to get a bit of everything in each bite.

9. Lettuce Tacos
Use lettuce leaves as taco shells for a light and refreshing twist on traditional tacos. Fill them with seasoned ground meat or beans, topped with salsa, avocado, and a dollop of Greek yogurt for a satisfying meal.

10. Garden Fresh Garnish
Use lettuce as a garnish for soups, stews, and even pizzas. Finely chopped or whole leaves can add a fresh, crunchy element to many dishes. It’s a simple way to enhance the presentation and flavor profile of your meals.

Special Offer for Newsletter Subscribers

Save 20% on Cestari's Serrated Ceramic Knife.  Save 20% with code LETTUCEKNIFE through June 11 at the Cestari store on Amazon

Readers' Lettuce Storage Tips

Carrie from Asheville shares, "Store lettuce in a perforated plastic bag in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator to keep it fresh longer."

Mike from Bend advises, "Wash and thoroughly dry your lettuce before storing it in an airtight container with paper towels to absorb excess moisture."

Nancy from Ithaca suggests, "Keep your lettuce in a salad spinner in the fridge. The spinner helps keep the leaves dry and crisp."

Tom from Missoula mentions, "Separate the leaves and place them in a bowl with a damp paper towel on top. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap to maintain freshness."

Sara from Dover notes, "Wrap whole heads of lettuce in a damp kitchen towel before placing them in the fridge. This helps maintain moisture without making the leaves soggy."

💡 Answer to Trivia Question:



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