Do Something Different in 2024 - Food Resolutions for the New Year 🥳

Published: Wed, 01/03/24


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"May your New Year be filled with flavors, spice up your life with delicious food and savor every bite!"

🎄 🎄

~A Few Words From Susan~

Happy New Year to you all!


This newsletter deals with resolutions - not the big earth-shaking ones that we make in January and abandon by February, like going on a diet, but the kinds of small changes that we can make in our day to day routines that are easy to do and, when practiced over time, can add joy and peace, and perhaps even health to our lives.


This past year, I started a windowsill garden based on vegetable scraps, which not only brings joy to my life when I look at it, but ensures that I always have onions and greens to snip for salads, as well as a seemingly endless supply of celery for soups and sandwiches.


For 2024, I am focusing on sustainability, by reducing food waste in my kitchen.  I already compost, but am looking to reduce the amount of waste even further.  We'll see how I do by the end of the year - some of the methods I'll be using are in the video I created for you in this newsletter.


Take a look at the list of 13 Food Resolutions in the article below - perhaps there is one that you can adopt - or adapt - and make your own.





Trivia Question❓

What exotic fruit is said to bring good luck and prosperity when eaten on New Year's Day?

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter


Tip of the Day


Try adding aromatic herbs and spices to your favorite dishes for a flavorful twist!


Not only do they enhance the taste, but they also provide health benefits.

Experiment with fresh basil, thyme, or cinnamon to delight your taste buds and kick-start your new year's food resolutions.


New Year's Food Resolutions

As we usher in the New Year, it's time to make resolutions that elevate our culinary experiences. For those who appreciate the art of cooking and the joy of sharing meals with loved ones, here are some food resolutions that go beyond the usual diet and health-focused goals. Embrace the spirit of gastronomy and embark on a journey of epicurean delight in 2024:

  • 1. Master a New Cooking Technique: Whether it's perfecting the art of making homemade pasta, nailing the ideal sear on a steak, or conquering the elusive soufflé, make this year the one where you become a true master of at least one new cooking technique.

  • 2. Expand Your Culinary Horizons: Step out of your comfort zone and explore new cuisines from around the world. Venture into the aromatic world of Indian spices, the delicate balance of Japanese flavors, or the hearty richness of Middle Eastern dishes. Every culture has its own culinary treasures waiting to be discovered.

  • 3. Cook Seasonally: Commit to cooking with seasonal ingredients as much as possible. Not only will you enjoy the freshest produce and flavors, but you'll also support local farmers and reduce your carbon footprint.

  • 4.Host a Themed Dinner Party: Plan and host a themed dinner party that transports your guests to a different time or place. Whether it's a Mediterranean feast, a 1920s Gatsby-inspired soiree, or a rustic Italian gathering, let your creativity shine through in your menu and ambiance.

  • 5. Homemade Condiments and Sauces: Elevate your dishes with homemade condiments and sauces. Experiment with crafting your own signature BBQ sauce, aioli, or a delectable reduction that will take your meals to the next level.

  • 6. Preserve the Harvest: Get into the age-old tradition of preserving. Whether it's pickling, canning, or making jams and jellies, preserving the bounty of the season ensures you can savor its flavors throughout the year.

  • 7. Grow Your Own Herbs: Create a mini herb garden in your kitchen or on your windowsill. Fresh herbs not only add vibrant flavors to your dishes but also serve as a beautiful and aromatic decoration.

  • 8. Reduce Food Waste: Make a commitment to reduce food waste by planning your meals carefully, using leftovers creatively, and learning how to properly store and freeze ingredients.

  • 9. Explore Food Pairings: Delve into the art of food and wine pairings, or experiment with the perfect beer and cheese combinations. Learning the nuances of pairing can turn any meal into a memorable experience.

  • 10.Document Your Culinary Adventures: Start a food journal to chronicle your culinary journey. 

  • 11.Cook with Loved Ones: Make an effort to involve your family and friends in the kitchen. Cooking together not only strengthens bonds but also creates lasting memories.

  • 12. Support Local Producers: Whenever possible, source your ingredients from local farmers' markets, artisanal producers, and independent butchers. Not only will you enjoy superior quality, but you'll also support small businesses in your community.

  • 13. Get Your Kitchen Organized: Get rid of any single purpose gadgets that you never never use and invest in the right tools for both food prep and food storage.

These New Year's food resolutions are designed to ignite your passion for cooking, deepen your appreciation for good food, and bring joy to your dining table. Let 2024 be a year of culinary exploration, creativity, and connection with loved ones over sumptuous meals. Cheers to a delicious year ahead!



Special Offer for Newsletter Subscribers


Save 20% on Cestari's Elegant Pantry Labels to help get your kitchen organized!  Save 20% with code ELEGANTP through January 9 at the Cestari store on Amazon



Reader's Resolutions

Nancy from Los Angeles shares, "This year, my food resolution is to incorporate more plant-based meals into my diet. I'm aiming for at least three vegetarian dinners each week to improve my health and reduce my carbon footprint."


Emma from Austin offers, "My resolution for the year is to master the art of fermentation. I'm excited to start making my own yogurt, kimchi, and sourdough bread to enhance my cooking and baking skills."



Kevin from Chicago tells us, "I've resolved to explore a new cuisine every month. I want to expand my culinary horizons and learn to cook dishes from different cultures, starting with Thai food in January."


💡 Answer to Trivia Question:





We'd love to feature some of your best tips and tricks to start the new year off well. Please let us know what you know!  You can send your contributions to with the subject "Newsletter-January."  Every subscriber whose contribution we use will receive our mini turntable as our thank you gift.




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